A graphic for Energy Outreach Colorado's Community Solar Program. The text reflects what is in the blog copy. The imagery is a very light lavender background with large lavender circles with hollow centers in the background, and a small light green circle. There is a circular image with a green border a little distance from the image itself of solar panels in a field.

Save Money on Your Energy Bills with the Community Solar Program

As energy costs continue to rise, many households are looking for ways to reduce their electricity bills without making costly upgrades. Thanks to Energy Outreach Colorado’s Community Solar Program, eligible households can receive solar energy credits—lowering monthly utility costs without installing any equipment at home!

How Does It Work?

☀️ Your household is assigned a section of a community solar garden

⚡ Your utility account is virtually connected to the solar garden

💰 The energy your section generates appears as a credit on your electricity bill

Do You Qualify?

To be eligible, you must:

Pay an electric bill from Xcel Energy or Black Hills Energy

✅ Have a household income that meets program limits

Why Join the Community Solar Program?

🌞 Lower your energy costs without installing solar panels

🌎 Support clean, renewable energy for a sustainable future

🏡 No changes to your home required—just savings!

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of supporting our community in times of need. This program continues that mission by helping households save money and access renewable energy.

Get Help Applying!

Mountain Resource Center is here to assist with applications. Call us at 📞 303-838-7552 for help getting started!

🔗 Learn more: https://energyoutreach.org/community-solar/